Redcliffe 2023
Follow this page for the QMSA sanctioned graded teams tournament at Scarborough Squash Club at PCYC on Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd of December 2023.

Welcome to the Queensland Masters Squash Association (QMSA) sanctioned tournament at the Scarborough Squash Club at PCYC. It is our last tournament for the calendar year 2023. Join us for an absolute blast as always.

‼️ Entries close Tuesday 28th November ‼️
QMSA Tournament Entry
Submit your entries for tournaments sanctioned by Queensland Masters Squash Association (QMSA)

Scarborough Squash Club

Redcliffe 2022
Read about the QMSA sanctioned tournament at Redcliffe PCYC Squash on 3rd & 4th December 2022. Follow to see results and pictures from the event.

